Published: 06:42 BST, | Updated: 08:16 BST, Ĭommentator Bill Maher dedicated the end of his 'New Rules' segment on Friday's edition of HBO's Real Time to the rising numbers of LGBTQ Americans, which he went as far as to suggest was 'trendy' He then suggested the number of people identifying as LGBTQ is 'trendy' because teenagers like to challenge 'the squares who brought you up'.Maher also cracked about the upcoming Pride parade in New York City not including gay men, but only trans people and lesbians.It's okay to ask questions about something very new,' Maher said 'Someone needs to say it - not everything's about you.
Bill Maher suggests kids are coming out as trans is because it's 'trendy' and being gay 'is not hip enough' anymore in monologue slamming LGBTQ supporters for 'experimenting on children' with hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgery